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Get Ready for Skype Interview and Nail it!

Congratulations! You are invited to an interview for your dream university or job. Is it over Skype? It sounds intimidating, doesn't it?

There are seconds for your Skype interview..exciting. You received the call, it is ringing. Get ready you are going to nail your Skype interview.

I experienced three Skype interviews in my life that we were for internship and postgraduate applications. I remember the last 10 or 5 minutes before the interview was always the longest time ever in my life. You wait for it for days, get prepared and in the last 5 minutes waiting in front of your laptop for that annoying Skype call. I hate Skype ringing and you are about the accept the call. Please someone should change the Skype ringtone.

Let's start to talk about how to get ready for the Skype interview and nail it.


You are gonna think I am crazy because I tell you to be nervous. I know if I would tell you to keep calm, it would not work. When you hung up the call, you will be nervous for sure. Also, hours before the interview. BEING NERVOUS IS VERY NORMAL. There are few people comfortable getting on the Skype interview. Most of us cannot stay calm and want to get it over with as soon as possible. We feel anxious and stressed. Therefore, yes be nervous because you will be at the end. But be less nervous. How to do this?

a) be prepared

b) have an opening line

c) be confident about yourself

d) know what you want to do


If it is the supervisor over the Skype who you are willing to study with, then search for her/his group work.

Read their papers and conference presentations. Know what you would like to do in this group, in which kind of projects they have been dealt with and which one you would like to involve with? Think about these questions and do your research. Prepare your own questions about the research group or your research you are planning to do there. This will lead you to discuss important points with your potential supervisor and will leave an impression on him/her.


Literally, have an opening line and practice it out loud. The opening line is a small talk that you introduce yourself. This is a critical part of the interview since it is the initial rapport-building part of the interview. The last thing you would want is to say your name wrong or the things you do with hesitation. Believe me, this happens when you are stressed out.

Next, know your resume! One of the important parts is to memorize your CV. Since you just sent a motivational letter or your resume, they are the only things the interviewer may ask you questions. Therefore, literally memorize your resume like the back of your hand. When you mention the things you'd like to do with your Master's, internship or Ph.D., you can link your skills with your intent, for instance, how will these skills help you to do your research and work? 

Finally, practice your opening line and resume out loud. Have ready (go-to-phrases) answers to specific types of questions.


You should ensure your camera is ready, location is set, audio is functioning flawlessly, and your dresses are ready. Be sure that no technical glitches will show up. You can practice a free call with Skype to set your environment, location, sunlight etc. It is better to practice it with a friend so that they can tell you the mistakes you do and imperfections. Additionally, you can test yourself and see how you will look like during the interview.

Make sure to check your voice and your backdrop. If it is home, pick a wall that does not have pictures and fancy words on it. Get the lighting right.

Little makeup goes a long way but you should keep it simple. Dress up professionally, do not exaggerate it (I always wore pyjamas underneath though, but nobody knows what can happen). Try not to look at yourself in the little Skype box in the corner, look at the camera and sometimes to the interviewer ( because it is almost impossible to just stare at the camera, talk and see nobody).

Do not forget to always smile as you give your answers. Ask your questions by smiling and showing you are excited to learn the answers. Trust yourself. Be confident.

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